Teach Solais are thrilled to announce the Making Space 365, Erasmus+ project!
Over the next two years, we will work with organisations in Portugal, Greece, Germany, the United Kingdom and Lithuania to develop materials with which young people, youth leaders, community members and organisations can create grassroots movements and lasting momentum.
Our main goals are to: - Promote community engagement and social cohesion - Develop creative and entrepreneurial skills - Create a Civic Action Event Guide Book - Develop a year-long skill development programme for personal use in the way of a calendar
This project is particularly special for Teach Solais as we will lead the development of a physical creative calendar! An exciting and relatively rare opportunity within the Erasmus+ programme. The calendar will function as a weekly source of motivational quotes, best practice case studies, articles, self-help tips, productivity ideas, and activities, all to promote intrinsic motivation in the sphere of community development.
The calendar will be for the year 2023, but don't worry! There will be lots from Making Space 365 before then.
Please see below the first project newsletter for Making Space 365!
Here you can find: - an introduction to the project - an update on our first project meeting - the project developments so far - our next steps

For regular updates, please follow the Making Space 365 Facebook page. #MakingSpace365